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iOS swift module to capture video frames from camera


CameraFrameCapturer is an iOS app which contains a swift class module CameraFrameCapturer.swift for capturing video frames from camera, converting the frames to UIImage images, and sent the images to delegate instances.

System environment

  1. macOS Sierra Version 10.12.5
  2. Xcode Version 8.3.3 (installed from App Store)

Tested devices

  1. iPhone 7 plus with iOS 10.2

Porting CameraFrameCapturer.swift to a new project

After copying CameraFrameCapturer.swift to a new project, you need add the key NSCameraUsageDescription with description in the app’s Info.plist.


  1. Photo Capture Programming Guide
  2. Technical Q&A QA1937 - Resolving the Privacy-Sensitive Data App Rejection

